The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the "Good Message" or "Glad Tidings" from God to the world (Luke 2: 8-11). The word "gospel" literally means "Good News." The gospel of Christ is explicitly presented throughout the New Testament. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-3 delineates the true essence of the gospel. The gospel of the New Testament which exclusively and singularly brings salvation to a believing and repentant sinner is the truth that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, that He was buried and that He rose bodily, literally, physically, and historically from the dead. (That is really Good News)! All of Scripture in the Old Testament points to the fulfillment of what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross for our sins. No other religious teacher or prophet accomplished what Jesus of Nazareth accomplished. Before one can fully understand and embrace the gospel of salvation, one must first be confronted with the truth of the Person of the Gospel - the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord! He is sovereign and complete unlimited deity. Jesus Christ is the second person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus always was, is, and always will be who He is - the eternal, immutable, uncreated, and impeccable Son of God. By eternal, it is meant that Jesus is eternal in His divine nature, essence, and attributes. He is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting. When stating that Jesus is immutable it is meant that He cannot change into something or someone else. The essence and nature of Jesus Christ will not allow Him to be changed in any way for any reason. My sovereign Lord is forever faithful! Jesus exists unchangeably. When referencing the truth that Jesus is uncreated it simply means that He is without beginning. (The major cults would have you to believe otherwise). Lastly, in my description of Jesus Christ, the person of the gospel, He is impeccable. I enjoy hearing and talking about the impeccability of Christ. Jesus was tempted in all facets of sin in order to be our righteous substitute for our sin, yet He remained sinless, without sin. It is as the Scriptures teach - Jesus did not sin and Jesus could not have sinned because of who He is the impeccable sinless, perfect Son of God. The Scriptures are replete with references affirming His absolute deity. Here is just a sampling for your consideration found in the New Testament concerning the deity of Christ: John 1: 1-3, 14; 8: 58; 10: 30; 14: 9; 17: 1-5; Rom. 1: 1-4; Phil. 1: 5; Col. 1: 15-19; Tit. 2: 13; Heb. 1: 1-3. To accept the provision of the gospel is to accept (embrace) the Person of the gospel. Unequivocally, Jesus Christ is both Lord and Savior. One day every knee will bow before Him and every tongue will confess Him as Lord to the glory of God the Father. Jesus of Nazareth is the person of the glorious gospel of the blessed God.
- Michael, Gal.2: 20