We support each of these missionaries financially on a monthly basis and endeavor to partner frequently on short-term mission trips. Please pray for these missionaries across the globe. Take the time to send them an email, letter, or even give them a call. Even send extra gifts to support their ministry if you would like.
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Philippians 1:3-5
Local Missions
Jeremiah’s Place
National Missions
John & Joy Gibson - New York City
Church planters in New York City - Shalom Baptist Church
Email: nynygibsons@aol.com
Phone: 646-752-1427
Address to Mail Support: IBJM // P.O. Box 1386 // Hixson, TN 3743
Sending Agency: International Board of Jewish Missions Site: ibjm.org
Lakeland Child Evangelism Ministries - Based in Indiana // Global work as well
Website: lakelandcem.org
Address: P.O. Box 612 // Winona Lake, IN 46590
International Missions
Deidra Brown - Global Medical Missions
Email: deidrabmissions@gmail.com
Phone: 205-678-9453
Home Address: P.O. Box 344 // Chelsea, AL 35043
Website: prescriptionforahurtingworld.org
Sending Church: The Church at Chelsea-Westover // 11063 Highway 280 // Westover, AL 35147
Ed & Anita Hoagland - Mexico City
Email: edwinhoagland@gmail.com
Phone: 434-509-0123
Website: bbfi-northamerica.org/hoagland1
Mexico Address: Rancho Las Pampas #137 // Colonia Santa Cecilia 04930 // Mexico , D.F.
Mission Agency: BBFI // P.O. Box 802757 // Kansas City, MO // 64180
Sending Church: University Baptist Church // 5520 University Blvd. West // Jacksonville, FL 32216
Roy & Edi Seals - Based in TN with global efforts
Director of Global Faith Missions Agency
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3326 // Chattanooga, TN 37404
Phone: 423-702-5811
Global Faith Mission Agency - website
Doug & Amber Staley - Ireland
Email: HEAD4Ireland@gmail.com
Phone: (330)-312-3635
Sending Church: Canton Baptist Temple // 515 Whipple Ave, NW // Canton, OH 44708
Sending Agency: SENT Inc. // P.O. Box 80317 // Canton, OH 44708 sentinc.org
Joshua & Denise Steward - Ireland
Email: jd4c@att.net
Phone: 330-704-7842
Sending Church: Canton Baptist Temple // 515 Whipple Ave, NW // Canton, OH 44708
Sending Agency: SENT Inc. // P.O. Box 80317 // Canton, OH 44708 sentinc.org
Manuel & Carmen Verde - Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico
Manuel is the pastor of a local church and distributes God's Word throughout towns and villages in the Yucatan.
Sending Agency - Global Faith Mission Agency
Click here to be directed to a page where you can make special gifts to Manuel's ministry
We also support other missionaries in South Asia.
Additional Partners
We serve alongside these ministries on a regular basis. If you would like to serve with us, please call the church office at 706-864-2743 or contact us.
Lumpkin County Homeless - Dahlonega
North Georgia Interfaith Ministries, Inc.
Address: P.O. Box 668 // Dahlonega, GA 30533
Website: lumpkincountyhomeless.com
Lumpkin County Family Connection - Dahlonega
Family Connection does a tremendous amount of work in Lumpkin County.
We contribute in a small, but significant way by donating bath tissue. You can place your donations in the designated box in the adult Sunday School Room.