Hello Student Leadership Team!
I apologize for inconsistency in this update over the past couple of weeks. There is no excuse for inconsistency. You guys deserve better. Anyway, won't beat myself up. Just been trying to do to much and not prioritizing like I should. Oh well. That's learning how to do life.
No video this week, we'll get back to that later.
Only a couple of things:
First, I would like to move leader's meetings to Sunday nights instead of mornings... Woot woot! No 8am meetings. I still need to run this by pastor, but I don't think he'll have a problem once per month. I'm thinking on the 2nd Sunday, we will do potluck at our place. The evening will look like this: Eat dinner, fellowship, take care of any new business, have a devotional, play games and fellowship until it's too late for a school/work night.
Does that sound good to you?
Second, we have been running hard with D.I. for over a year or so now. We have learned a lot and we are ready to refine our process and go all-out for the sake of the gospel. I really just want to sharpen, focus, and clarify the whole methodology so that we can have a truly duplicable process where there is enough freedom for real relationships and transformation to occur in the Spirit's own mysterious way AND enough structure for the process to actually be repeatable, over and over again. Success does not need to be a lighting strike, but what characterizes our efforts.
With that, be praying for me. I want to bring some good material into our next meeting so that we can really work on refining the process.
Love you guys. Thank you so much for your service to Christ and His Great Commission.
Quentin Self