Hello Leaders, do your best to disregard my potentially dangerous activity of "leader-update-video-recording-while-driving." I don't think it's illegal. My eyes were on the road totally. Can't be more dangerous than jamming to T-Swift while driving... am I right?
Anyway, the video's a little longer this week, hope you find it encouraging. We are aiming BIG with the EVERY 1 Vision, because our God is big. But we will never do this thing by our own might. God has to act and change hearts. He is willing, but we are weak and easily distracted.
We are praying together this Sunday morning at 9:30 in the youth room. Please come if you can make it!
In Christ's Love,
Quentin Self
- Redneck Christmas Party
- Starts at 6pm.
- Remember, we're staying after the worship service to set up. We will have lunch together. Let's do soups and sandwiches 'n such. Don't bring a thing, just yourselves. Thank you for helping!
- Winter Retreat
- Check this .pdf to see if it's right. I just need confirmation from everybody who's going. Will confirm numbers with the resort and ski place next week.