November 19, 2015




  • DECEMBER 6th at 8:15am is our next leader's meeting. We had planned to move the meetings to the second Sunday, but the Redneck Christmas party is on the 13th and we need to hammer out the details for that event. 
    • December 6th is also Biscuit Sunday, but don't worry, I'll still get your custom orders for the leader's meeting. 8:15 on a Sunday is custom-biscuit worthy ya know... Jeremy, still no hotcakes. Sorry bro.  
    • December 6th is also my Sunday to preach the main morning service. I won't be doing a student message on that day. Too scatter-brained to do two separate texts on one Sunday... I'd start preaching on the Apostle Moses and the thorn in the golden Fleece or something... geesh.
    • For breakout leaders, what that Sunday will look like: Extended fellowship over the golden mann of the South (biscuits, duh) // Worship (at 10:00am) // Focused intercessory prayer for the lost in line with Every 1 vision // Reverse breakout groups - I'll give you the manuscript for my message in the main service and some suggestions for the discussion. 
  • WINTER RETREAT - is coming up quickly. Deadline for $25 deposit is on November 29th. If you want to go as a leader or chaperone, please sign up in the youth room. 


Seriously, YOU are what make the ministry happen at Bethlehem. Push forward. Press on. If students are slacking in D.I. remind them of two things:

  1. This is the MINIMUM for a faithful follower of Christ.. It's reading the Bible and memorizing Scripture for crying out loud. 
  2. They made a commitment to GOD... like the one who made the universe. Don't mess with him. It's not like breaking a promise to your mom.... and believe me, that can be painful enough. 
  3. Christians are getting their heads cut off in other parts of the world and would GLADLY trade places with you... don't give me this "I'm just sooooo busy with school and sports and stuff...." Wait... I said I had two things. Sorry not sorry. 

And if you need more encouragement, here's a picture of Jack giving you the Winston Churchill "Victory" sign after he demolished his cake. 

Seriously, we've won the victory because Christ has won the victory. We are "more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). Death can't stop us, Satan can't stop us, distractions can't stop us. Here's a good song for motivation.... if you're into Christian rap, and can tolerate a little bit of a cheesy music video. 

For the Gospel, 

Quentin Self