Parent Update January 21, 2016


The encouragement is a little longer this week, so the updates are coming first. A lot of important things coming up: 

  • Mandatory Winter Retreat info meeting this Sunday at 6:00pm.
    • All money is due. I will have all permission forms, etc. Ready to give you. 
    • Here is the formula for figuring up what your student owes:
      • Start with a base price of $90 (covers food and lodging)
      • Add $38 if student wants to ski (only $26 if student 12 or younger)
      • Subtract $38 if student paid for skiing last year (only $26 if student 12 or younger)
      • Subtract $72.30 if student worked the chili supper
      • Subtract amount student has paid for deposit 
      • Amount is what your student owes. 
    • I have prices calculated for each student, but do the math yourself to check my work. 
  • Mexico Mission Trip info meeting next Sunday (1/31) at 5:30pm
    • Mandatory for all going. If you are on the fence, this is where you can get your answers. 
      • We will discuss all major details for the mission trip. 
      • Roy Seals, the missionary coordinating our trip, will connect via FaceTime at 6:00 to answer your questions. 


Overflow Parents!

I hope you are enjoying the "snow" days with the kids out of school. If your kids get too bored, send them our way. We'll put them to work playing with Jack to help wear him out. He started walking in December, and has only stopped to eat or sleep. Seriously though, I LOVE being a dad. 

Here's something I've learned about God over the past 14 months: He loves us because we are his. His love for us is never-changing and never-ending because it does not depend on our successes or failures. My love for Jack is not contingent upon what he does. I love him because he is mine! 1 John 3:1 says: 

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.

By his grace, God has called you his son or his daughter. You are his. It was not because of your success or goodness that God chose you as his own. He chose you by grace. Now that you are his child, it's not like he changes his method of operation. He still deals with you on the basis of grace. 

However, now that we are saved, most of us live day-to-day as if God's love and acceptance is contingent upon our works. We end up living in fear, as if God is waiting to jump down our throats or come down on us hard whenever we mess up. But that's not the case. All the punishment we will ever deserve from God was paid for at the cross of Christ. 1 John 4:18 says: 

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 

But what about Proverbs 1:7? Isn't the "fear of the Lord the beginning of knowledge"? Yes. Fear of God is still a good thing. We are supposed to both fear and not fear God at the same time. But there is a difference between the right fear and the wrong fear. Here is the difference: 

  • The right kind of fear drives you into God's presence. 
  • The wrong kind of fear drives you to hide from God's presence. 

Take a look into your heart. What kind of fear do you see? Do you run to God when you fail, confessing your weakness and letting him make you strong? Or do you run away from God, ashamed and defeated? 

Now, take a look at your kids. Your relationship with them should mirror the gospel relationship we have with our heavenly Father. What kind of fear do you see controlling the way they relate you you?  

Take heart! Remind yourself of the gospel today and every day. God's love for you is unconditional. Live without that wrong kind of fear, because you know that no matter what, your God's love will never fail. 

In Christ's love, 

Quentin Self

P.S. More Jack pictures. Man, we have a great time.