Hello Parents,
Thank you for the privilege of being involved in the lives of your children. I am blessed to have a part in raising up the next generation of disciples at BBC.
My goal is to partner with you as parents. You are the primary disciple-makers for your students. The goal of a student ministry is not to replace the influence God gave to you as parents.
As a result, I want to do a better job of keeping you in updated on what is happening in Overflow. I will publish one of these posts every two weeks in an effort to do a better job of communicating with you.
Know that you can contact me with any question or concern. I am here for you!
In Christ's Love,
Quentin Self // 706-867-5359 // pqself@gmail.com
- Redneck Christmas Party
- This Sunday night from 6-8pm. Students dress up and bring a dessert or side. We will have pizza and drinks.
- Remind your students to bring $5 to make Christmas happen for a needy family. We as a youth group will go and buy gifts and deliver them sometime on the week of Christmas.
- Winter Retreat:
- $25 Deposits are due ASAP. Here's a .pdf file of all sign-ups. Please check the list and make sure it's right.
- Total cost is $90 (without fundraising), if they paid for skiing last year.
- Chili-Supper is January 17th. Results could reduce the cost.
- Mexico Mission Trip:
- Originally scheduled for June 14-21st. However, we are looking to transfer the trip to July 5-12th, it seems that works better for the group.
- I need to know who is planning to go as soon as possible. Thank you so much.
We are in Chapter 10 of the series "The Best Story Ever." We are looking at the big picture of the Bible, how all the stories really work together to tell one big story: The story of God redeeming his creation.
This week
- Main Text - Exodus 7:1-17 Looking at the Passover
- Main Point - What God does shows who God is
- In the Passover we see God's Love and God's Justice. This foreshadows the work Jesus would do, when he was crucified during the passover celebration. The Last Supper (Luke 22) was a celebration of the Passover Meal.
- The cross of Christ is the clearest revelation of God's Glory. Love and Justice are put fully on display.
- Ask your kids this week during a family dinner:
- What did you learn during student worship?
- How does the Passover in Exodus relate to Jesus' death on the cross?
- How does that affect your life?