"Table Talk" happens on Sundays at 7pm when we have evening services. Table Talk is a place where we come together to learn and discuss specific doctrines of the Christian faith. We work through a detailed outline of the doctrine, available in the link below. 

Table Talk Handout - .pdf file

The Best Story Ever

The Bible tells the story of God redeeming his creation. This the gospel message, uncut and unabridged. We will work through the Bible over the course of a year, taking breaks for mini-series and special days. 

This is the Best Story Ever because it is true and it includes you

April and MAy 2016: Taking a break from the best story ever to work on personal testimonies and gospel presentations. 

Our apologies - Due to technical difficulties, chapters 16 and 17 were not captured. 

Student Pastor Main Service Messages - 2015